
Intro to Phase 2!


You have completed Phase 1 and the first 13 days of this journey!

 I know this time in your life is so messy and so not easy and I’m so proud of you for sticking with this.

I’m sure that you can tell by now that I just think that God is so incredible in terms of what he can do for our hearts and minds, and how he can change us.

If you only knew what my insides looked like before Christ got ahold of me- and even still when I find myself wandering away from him. 


These words only scratch the surface of the mess that is me without God. I am nothing, truly nothing, without Him.

But I praise God that he is bigger and stronger and able to deal with my issues. 

Yours too, and you better believe it!

Oh, I hope that you’re letting him change you. I hope that I let him change me! Because how sad would it be for us to be carrying our same issues; walking around with our same strongholds 5, 10, (God-forbid) 20 years from now!? 

Wouldn’t that just be downright sad? 

So let’s be willing to change! Better yet, let’s be willing to BE CHANGED from the inside out.

The beginning of this new section means that we are moving into something new. 

Phase one was intense. It challenged us to do a lot of self-examination and release. We needed to fess up about some things. 

Not so that everyone in our lives could see, but so those things could be removed or dealt with by God. 

We poured ourselves out, we released, we let go. And I definitely want you to keep applying those principals in your alone time. It is still so important that you do that!

But you and I are moving on to the next phase. Phase 2.

Now that we are letting God remove the garbage and declutter our spirits, we need to replace those old unhealthy ideals with good ones. 

We need to allow God to speak some fresh, new, healthy things into our hearts about love and relationships. We have detoxed, and now it’s time to start the new diet. 

HGTV has cleared out that room, 

and now it’s time to start bringing in the new stuff!

Get the picture?

So this next section is going to be about just that. Bringing in some fresh new outlooks and ideas about love, relationship, and ourselves. Things that you can stand on, now that your feet have hopefully found a little more solid ground. 

And my hope is that by the end of Phase 2- you will feel much more comfortable and secure being a lady in the time in which you live. 

That you would be one who can see clearly and navigate her way through the murky waters of love and relationships. 
That you would become a woman who is so secure in her Lord and that you would embrace life with a whole new outlook and confidence.

I realize that’s a tall order. But I’ve seen what God can do. 
Just continue to spend time with him, pray to him, rely on him, and he will continue to heal you and move you toward your perfect destiny…